Livestock farmer José Antonio Kusanovic feeds his herd protection dogs. He has around 50 dogs that he trains for herding livestock. He works with different breeds such as the Spanish Pyrenean Shepherd and Pyrenean Mastiff, Maremma from Italy, Kangal from Turkey, and Tatra from Poland. Since they started with the breeding and training of these animals, predators have stopped approaching the cattle.

The characteristic wind of the area directs the branches of the native trees in the opposite direction. The strong winds come from the southwest and west. Its intensity can vary between 15 to 20 km/h and even reach 120 km/h in summer.

Portrait of José Antonio Kusanovic. "Where the animals go, we go". This is how the rancher describes his life's work. Kusanovic recalls that when he told his father that he was going to marry Tamara MacLeod, born and raised in Puerto Natales, he replied that it made sense since they were "two savages" in Patagonia.

The coat and hats worn by José Antonio to go out to work. His family has lived in the Magallanes Region for more than 100 years.

At dawn, José Antonio Kusanovic prepares to leave with his sheepdogs. They will accompany him to look for some lost cows.

Barnyard from the ranch in Colonia Isabel Riquelme. The Kusanovic-MacLeod family seeks to pollute as little as possible. They produce their own electricity using windmills.

A Magellanic dog, also known as barbucho, climbs into the truck on Kusanovic's orders. This shepherd dog is known in Patagonia for its great working capacity. Experts conclude that it arrived around 1870 from the Falkland Islands. It is believed that the original dog was a mestizo descendant of the Pyrenean shepherd that mixed with many sheep breeds to create the Chilean barbucho.

Sheepdogs look between the metal barriers of the truck waiting for the rancher to let them out to work.

A sheep shearing shed.

José Antonio Kusanovic looks for food for his dogs. In the background is sheep wool left over from shearing.

A rainy evening at the entrance of the ranch in Colonia Isabel Riquelme.